Hailing from Hyderabad, India, those who know me being an alumnus from The Hyderabad Public School, Saint Mary’s College,The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India and coming from a pretty well to do family, one often torments as to why I got into an unregulated industry filled with people who enter it either to make their ends meet or to dupe innocent people into coughing up their riches.
During school, I learned mixed martial arts but wasn’t happy looking at the lean body I then possessed. I used to constantly ask my master if I could join a gym to build a larger physique. He always rejected my appeal, stating that I would lose my flexibility if I increased muscle mass. I accepted his decision till one day I saw the movie “Kick-boxer” by “Jean Claude Van Damme”. It was then, that I realized that gaining muscle mass and retaining flexibility aren’t poles apart, if done correctly.
So, I headed to a gym at a local club and started working out. There was a trainer (actually a power lifter) who began administering workouts to me. One such workout was “The Roman Chair – A machine that is used to strengthen the Erector Spinae (Muscles of the Back). I was instructed to use that machine to work on my Rectus Abdominis (Muscles of the Stomach). Over a period of many months, I continued doing that workout in the hope that I would get a very visible 6-pack.
On the contrary, I ended up with a severe Spinal Disc Herniation (Slipped Disc). Along with the excruciating pain of my Slipped Disc, my childhood dream of doing a dual degree in the field of Astronautics and Astrophysics and working with NASA slipped too. I somehow limped through my management degree (which was completed only due to societal pressure).
Anyways, the entire ordeal of pain lasted me about 7 years. In the year 2008, after repeatedly failing massages and medicines, I had to be wheel chaired to a very prominent orthopaedic surgeon who slit my back, removed the herniation and fixed titanium implants and made my back stronger than ever before. But to achieve this stronger back, I had to shell out a lot of money and had to bear a lot of post-operative pain for another 2 years.
It was during these 9 painful years, I realized that if one wrong move during workout sessions could cause injury to an otherwise fit individual and set his youth by a decade, health should be given top most priority and thus it became my passion to help everyone attain better health in the safest manner possible.
Like those who know me, if even you too are wondering why I got into an unregulated industry mostly filled with unskilled or uninformed self-obsessed individuals who work out like maniacs and use medicines to achieve their well-defined physiques and think that all this is sufficient to qualify themselves as trainers, the answer is simple.
It is, to Make a Difference.